Last Minute Mutz Shoutout

The Bear Is Here!



So you have one day and a few hours left to decide if you want a Swiss bear in your life, and if you are in the throes of indecision I’m here to give my opinion on it. I wrote a little less than a year ago there’s not a whole lot to recommend the Pz 58 Mutz except it’s a cool tank and it can sometimes be a really great drive. I also wrote it wasn’t quite where I was at as a tank driver back then, but that I might still get it because I love the IndyPanzer and I always really liked the Mutz too.

To make a long story short I have now bought myself one. I hoard my free Wargaming gold for precisely this sort of opportunity, and when I saw the full bundle with double cheese and extra boosters for a mere five and a half thousand gold I just kind of thought “If not now – when?”

I’ve passed on the Pz 58 a number of times already; last time it was six thousand fully loaded, and I am thinking it’s not going to get all that much cheaper, you’ll just get more stuff with it. I have to say I fell for the duck avatar; I’ll be fielding that one for the foreseeable future, but to each their own.

And buying the Mutz made me happy. I’ve not even driven it yet, it’s been sitting there in my garage all kitted out with the bear freshly painted on just waiting for me to get the urge.

That is not in itself unusual these days. I have plenty of tanks I used to drive but forgot about, tanks I like to have but likely won’t ever drive, and a few I’ve been meaning to drive but haven’t gotten around to yet. Two hundred and six tanks now; even just yoloing straight into the red team it would take me well over three hours to drive them all. This is what happens to jaded old tank philosophers.

I’ve said it before, but there really aren’t a lot of tanks out there I want to get my hands on anymore, and a lot of them are curiosities like the Panzer 58.


So what is the Swiss bear? And why would you want one?

If you’re feeling sceptical, then I quite understand. There are almost twice as many tier VIII premium and collector tanks as tech tree ones right now, and the Pz 58 is certainly not a “must have”. You could have a faster tank, a more stealthy one, a better armoured one, an autoloader or auto reloader, a bigger gun; all sorts of things. Even in the tech tree and sticking with 90 mm the Indien Panzer, Pantera, or even the STA-1 are all strong contenders against the Mutz.

It’s sort of a baby Leopard 1, or perhaps a baby AMX proto or 30B would be a more fitting comparison since it has a bit of gun mantlet. It’s not super fast but it’s agile, nice accurate gun with ten degrees of gun depression, and you can get a bounce or two.

Again, you could get all those things in the tech tree. But there’s no denying the Mutz is well put together, and if you keep your head down a little and don’t explode in the first two minutes it can be a good performer.

Here’s the deal. If you like tanks like the Indien, the PTA, or the AMX Proto, then this is that kind of tank. Nothing about it really sticks out; I don’t think it’s best in tier at anything. Dispersion is quite good, you can get it down to 0.277 with the refined gun module and double chocolate. But you don’t drive one for the stats, you drive it because you like the Medium playstyle and you think the painted bear looks cool.

You’ll want to watch out for the 30 mm side armour. That will sidescrape an 88 but not a 90 millimetre, meaning don’t even think about side scraping a TD or a Heavy tank; they’ll just overmatch it. But in a hull down spot using a bit of gun depression you’ll be showing around 200 mm effective armour give or take, and as I said the thing is agile, so it’s really not all that fragile when used correctly.


This is already longer than I intended, and I’m sitting here feeling a little bad for not having driven it. I mean, tank philosophy without tank driving is just bench racing, no? I’ve driven it on my press account, but like I always say it’s not the same.

In terms of setup there are no surprises, I run the extra hitpoints because the armour is sort of thin anyway, engine accelerator and high end consumables to max out the mobility, double chocolate, double repair kits and a turbo boost.

Or do I? Maybe I’ll run the refined gun and calibrated shells instead to make my shots count. Be aware the Mutz has APCR so there’s not a lot of increase, but I’m only losing 168 DPM so worth try. Tier VIII Mediums usually don’t have very high DPM anyway. My ammo loadout is 27/13/7 AP/APCR/HE.

What the hell. Let’s take it for a spin.


I really do think the Mutz camo looks great. Happy to have it in my garage just to look at. But tier VIII Mediums is where I came up as a tank driver and a tank philosopher; there was a time when they were all I cared about.

What about expectations? Well, it’s a bit of an HE magnet. I fully expect to get smashed a few times. Also 90 mm isn’t exactly awe inspiring at tier VIII these days; you can get a 105 or a 122 from the tech tree. That means building damage over time, which in turn means trying to hold on to my hitpoints, especially at the start of the game. Being so agile means it’s not a pushover in a brawl, I know I can take down other tanks in a 1v1; I’ve done it before. It rocks a solid 50% global average winrate with less than 200 drivers, so I’m not expecting any miracles.

Enough talking. Time to go.

First game out is on Dynasty; not my favourite map for a squishy Medium tank. But my team all go towards C and we each have a Smasher, so we end up chewing through them fairly quickly. I end up with some good spotting but not a lot of damage; just under 1000, but it’s a win so I’ll take it. They have two King Tigers, and I’m glad I went for the calibrated shells. Checking Armour Inspector my regular AP shells will almost go through the lower plate head on, and APCR will punch through the upper plate out to about 20 degrees side angle.

Next one is on Faust, and it’s Encounter. I try to spot the middle, but the reds all go towards the missile bunker. I get too close to a VK 168 too early on and take two big hits from nearby Heavy tanks, if it had been isolated I would have easily taken it down. Then a lucky shot towards the end sets me on fire and takes me out, and my teammates mess up the endgame against another Tiger II. It’s a loss, but it was down to the last shot so a good game all the same.

I’m starting to think I might change out the calibrated shells, because really I shouldn’t be shooting at King Tigers head on. But ending up on Molendijk I contest the B cap against an IS-3 Defender doing some slick hull down work, putting shell after shell through the front plate, so I think I’ll stay with the same setup. I shouldn’t fight Heavys frontally, but sometimes you don’t have a choice. Supported by a yoloing P.43 ter the Defender finally takes me out, but by then we have all three bases and it’s basically all over. 2350 damage is top of the team and my best result so far.

Then it’s a loss on Normandy and a win on Alpenstadt meaning a 60% winrate after five games, but I still haven’t seen any tier IX action yet.


I drive a couple of more games just to make sure, but my mind is made up. I’m still happy I bought the Mutz, and not just because it looks pretty in my garage.

It’s really easy to mess things up and take too much damage, but that’s part of the charm. This isn’t some faceless IS-spam drone, it’s a Medium tank, and a lively one at that. I believe I’ve called it a “finesse” tank before (Ed: I didn’t. I called it a “thinking man’s tank”.). 90 mm may not be exciting, but it’s comfortable to work with and I like the gun handling a lot. And the thing will bounce a Heavy tank shell if you go hull down and keep it moving.

But this is a tank with kind of a high skill threshold. You don’t want it to be your first tier VIII premium, and perhaps not even your first tier VIII premium Medium. It’s something you’ll pick up down the line because you want to focus on your Medium tank driving without a lot of training wheels.

Me, I thought it was time. It’s a cheap bundle, even though I don’t really care about the bling and boosters and boxes. Just the tank, the paintjob, and nine equipment slots would have done it for me.

What about you? Do you need a Swiss dancing bear in your life? Do you have what it takes to field one against hordes of Heavy tanks, OP premiums, and camping TDs with huge HE shells?

Normally I’d suggest grinding out the Indien Panzer and finding out for sure, but with a little over 30 hours left on the bundle that my not be an option. And to be fair I’m kind of glad I’ve waited this long to get mine, because I knew exactly what I was getting myself into and I definitely don’t feel I overpaid for it. Doing your missions diligently and clicking on a few videos here and there you should be able to scrape together 5500 gold in a few months.

IrmaBecx says the Mutz most definitely has the tank philosophy seal of approval, with banners and gold stars. Just make sure that really is what you want.

4 thoughts on “Last Minute Mutz Shoutout

  1. Yeah. I should probably not have written a response until I had sobered up, but there we are.

    To answer your original question, I always liked the SuperPershing, and I’m proud to have it in my garage. Also very happy it’s been at basically the same power lever for years and years same as the Löwe; always a sign of good balancing.

    But the fact remains I never drive it, and it’s more to do with what you might call the spirit of the American tanks than anything else: it’s just too easy, and I’ve always been a little put off by that. It’s easy to figure out, it’s easy to execute the playstyle, very easy to identify strengths and weaknesses. And this is actually the way US vehicles are balanced; to be jack-of-all trade type tanks, and considering the whole tech tree, I think they’ve accomplished that.

    You can imagine how happy I was when the Yoh tanks came along and shook things up a little. And there are other tanks I genuinely like: the problematic T57 Heavy; just got me one of those, the T25 Pilot, and of course the genius tier VII Eagle 7. I also always loved the Rapa Nui/Duck Mutant tanks. Never regretted buying the T23E3 even though I never drive it. and I always liked an Easy 8 although mine is of course Russian.

    And I used to dream about the Pershing back in the day; it was a cool tank back then. Maybe I should have one just because. Either way I will do a review on it, because you asked and you are right it is my job to talk about unloved and forgotten tanks.

    Thank you for your patient answer.



  2. This is not the Irma I’m used to lol…

    I mean yeah, America sucks honestly (as an American I can totally understand that we’re tearing ourselves apart) but still, does that really affect your opinion on some pixel tanks who were created and balanced by a company based in Europe? I have yet to see any good retrospectives on tech tree American vehicles because no one gives a crap about them and either thinks they’re trash or boring.

    Well, guess I’m the only player in the game who actually appreciates American vehicles for what they are. I’m really disappointed that’s for sure, this is not the reply I would have expected!

    Guess I’m gonna have to write my own post on these incredibly under-appreciated and underrated vehicles.


  3. I sold all my US tanks in 2016 because I just got so disappointed with america. I used to live there. It didn’t impress me back in 1989-90 either. And ye, I have the M60 and got it the first drop, so I’m very much cooler than you’ll ever be and everyone knows it. I’m still under contract with WG hat says I can’t tell you whether I know why I go it or not.

    And I used to love tier VIII Mediums. They were who I was and what I aspired to. I wanted them all, and there were like eight of them. It used to be the US tier IX with the 105 that was pretty cool. This is maybe seven years ago. But I sold off all that and never looked back, and I never drove my M60 except once I pressed the button on my birthday falling asleep, so mine has one game, 100% winrate, and 0 average damage. I mean I really hate America now because it was already turning faschist in the 80s and 90s.

    You will see my upcoming Jap Heavys opinions, you really will, but I can tell you my thoughts just yet, and Iyouwill probably never see my M46 Pershing opinion, because I not only hate American faschism, I hate boring, pedestrian, jack-of-all-trades tanks too and that’s why it was so easy for me to say fuck you America why would I want a Pershing anyway and sell all my US tanks except premiums.

    If you think I am joking, check how long it’s been since I drove my SuperPershing.

    I hate all those other faschists too, but at least their tanks aren’t boring. It’s funny because it’s true.


  4. Wow, I’ve been waiting for a post for months and finally a very nice one on an often underrated premium! Nice job as always Irma

    Can’t wait to see your opinions on the upcoming Japanese heavies when they arrive, but I do also have a special request. I’d love you to take a look at the newly buffed M26 Pershing, one of my all-time favorite vehicles that recently got a massive DPM buff. I still haven’t been seeing many people talk about it so how about you give it a shot?


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